Imperfectly Grand Services
Invite Judy to Speak for your next meeting or retreat.
Judy’s heart for ministry involves looking at our imperfectly grand families and their needs.
1. How to serve your Imperfect Grands and not be the doormat?
In this session, Judy will help you and your Imperfect Grands recognize seasons of joylessness and how to regain your joy as well as recognizing the warning signs before it happens again. We will begin in God’s Word.
2. How to help when you are not wanted?
In this session, Judy will address not being included and how to stay close but not too close. Listening without speaking and hearing without responding until asked. Many times, what our Imperfect Grands say is not necessarily what they want! Can you tell the difference?
3. Fix-it on your Knees
A look at specific prayers for specific needs in the lives of your Imperfect Grands. How do you pray for them now? How should we be praying for them? How will you pray for them from here on out?
4. Biblical Recipes
God’s Word is appropriate! Tried and true scriptures that speak when we don’t know what to say and when we have everything to say and shouldn’t! Also, in this session, Judy will look at family scriptures for individuals as well as your Imperfect Grands.
5. Children Are to be Seen Not Heard; Not out of Sight out of Mind
Manners breed respect. After 32 years of teaching and raising a son and a daughter, Judy will deal with the hard choices of when to take your children, when to leave them home, and what the Bible says. You do not want to miss this session.
Decorating gives a special touch to an otherwise ordinary occasion. Spruce your table for weeknight family dinners by visiting your local Dollar Tree. They have patterned tissue paper you can fold, cut, and put together like quilt squares. Suddenly your table is festive and you've only spent a couple of bucks!