Let’s Leap Together

Let’s look at the preparation involved to zipline. Equipment goes through extensive checks. This includes the harnesses we wear, to the lines we ride on, to the decks we jump from and glide too, etc. It includes regular inspection of trees. Poplar trees are the best because of their high-water content. These regulations and many others are carried out for safety on many levels which includes the trees. Guides have to meet certain criteria to work there and we had to fill out extensive paperwork so the guides knew our medical history and were well prepared to meet our needs and keep us safe. We must prepare for His assignments by studying His Word, praying and fasting as we incline our ear to His.

Taking that first leap off the deck was scarry. However, the ride was spectacular! Breathtakingly Spectacular! Our Heavenly Father knows the very number of hairs on our head just as He knows every tree in the forest. He is prepared to keep us safe when we follow Him even though we may not know where He’s leading. Ruth knew she was going to Naomi’s home. Leaving hers. She didn’t know where or how they would live. Yet, she took the leap. Taking the leap to see how my back pain could be managed for me to remain as active as I enjoy being, revealed a cancer at Stage 2 totally treatable by laporoscopic surgery that is usually found at Stage 4 when nothing can be done.

Jumping off the deck and leaping to experience a renewed exhilaration for life was exactly what
I needed on our vacation. I had just celebrated my sixty-seventh birthday, found out I had bursitis, spinal something or other and an S.I. joint totally filled with arthritis. My body and my mind were in two different worlds. By taking the leap of faith to zipline, I realized I can still be active and effective in serving the Lord. My body can still do what I want it too. I have to have moderation in my adventures and not schedule everything for the same day or even week allowing myself time to rest in-between. Maybe you’re feeling and thinking, I can’t do what I’d like too.. No worries. Instead of planning events like you were twenty-five, look at what you can realistically achieve. Plan an achievable outing soon. Whatever it is, wherever it is, He will be with you all the way.

The aerial park and its guides and policies were in place to keep me safe. The Lord leaps with us when we acknowledge our faith is in Him; not ourselves or our comfort zones or even our expectations. He is our safety net. His hedge of protection is around us.

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1

Friend, look for God’s next opportunity for you. He may be calling you to an unknown land; maybe it’s your turn to check on some medical issues or maybe He wants you to take that leap of faith and glide as His witness. Whatever it is, wherever it is, He will be with you all the way.

One thing about ziplining I failed to mention was that it is a course. Half the course was four jumps. The entire course was eight jumps. I did four jumps and loved every minute. It seemed easier to jump from the deck the more I did it. Isn’t that the way it is following our Lord and Savior? I’m glad my father in heaven challenges me to get out of my comfort zone. Where is He trying to nudge you out of your comfort zone so He can grow your faith and trust in Him? Let’s leap together to serve Him wholeheartedly

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